Established since 1960,Lurik Rachmad is a company engaged in the Nusantara Woven Fabric industry from pedan ,Central Java
By emphasizinv the pattern that is syriped,Rachmad,Who was born from a family of weaving entrepreneurs,has started his journey to become a maestro since his youth
Currently,the effort that Rachmad aspires to han changed the baton.This experience,we continue to develop in reaching products that are the pride of indonesia
Lagacy,High Quality,Innovative ,is a reflection of our identity,in making Lurik Rachmad an Indonesia Heritage Identity
Sentra pembuatan lurik di Jawa berada :
Lurik Rachmad (Workshop)
Jl.Pedan- Cawas,Rt 002,Rw 001, Desa/kelurahan beji,kec:Pedan,kabupaten Klaten,Jawa Tengah 57468
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